Results for 'Marta Larissa Cahill'

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  1.  15
    Perception of illegal practice of medicine by Brazilian medical students: Table 1.Liliane Lins, Suzana Herbas, Larissa Lisboa, Hannah Damasceno & Marta Menezes - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (6):432-434.
    Introduction Illegal practice of medicine by medical students is a worldwide problem. In Brazil, information about this issue is scarce.Objective To describe the perception of illegal practice of medicine by medical students.Methods A cross-sectional study in a stratified random sample of 130 medical students in the 6th to 12th semesters from a private faculty of medicine in Salvador, State of Bahia, Brazil, from September to October 2011. Students responded to a standardised questionnaire about the illegal practice of medicine by medical (...)
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  2. Presupposition cancellation: explaining the ‘soft–hard’ trigger distinction.Márta Abrusán - 2016 - Natural Language Semantics 24 (2):165-202.
    Some presuppositions are easier to cancel than others in embedded contexts. This contrast has been used as evidence for distinguishing two fundamentally different kinds of presuppositions, ‘soft’ and ‘hard’. ‘Soft’ presuppositions are usually assumed to arise in a pragmatic way, while ‘hard’ presuppositions are thought to be genuine semantic presuppositions. This paper argues against such a distinction and proposes to derive the difference in cancellation from inherent differences in how presupposition triggers interact with the context: their focus sensitivity, anaphoricity, and (...)
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  3. There Is No Special Problem of Mindreading in Nonhuman Animals.Marta Halina - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (3):473-490.
    There is currently a consensus among comparative psychologists that nonhuman animals are capable of some forms of mindreading. Several philosophers and psychologists have criticized this consensus, however, arguing that there is a “logical problem” with the experimental approach used to test for mindreading in nonhuman animals. I argue that the logical problem is no more than a version of the general skeptical problem known as the theoretician’s dilemma. As such, it is not a problem that comparative psychologists must solve before (...)
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    The spectrum of perspective shift: protagonist projection versus free indirect discourse.Márta Abrusán - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (4):839-873.
    This paper examines a little studied type of perspective shift that I call protagonist projection, following Holton :625–628, 1997). PP is a way of describing the mental state of a protagonist that conveys, to some extent, her perspective. Similarly to its better known cousin free indirect discourse, the shift in perspective is achieved without an overt operator. Unlike FID, PP is not based on a presumed speech-act of a protagonist. Rather, it gives a linguistic form to pre-verbal perceptual content, sensations, (...)
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    Medicinal Formulas and Experiential Knowledge in the Seventeenth-Century Epistemic Exchange between China and Europe.Marta Hanson & Gianna Pomata - 2017 - Isis 108 (1):1-25.
    This essay deals with the medical recipe as an epistemic genre that played an important role in the cross-cultural transmission of knowledge. The article first compares the development of the recipe as a textual form in Chinese and European premodern medical cultures. It then focuses on the use of recipes in the transmission of Chinese pharmacology to Europe in the second half of the seventeenth century. The main sources examined are the Chinese medicinal formulas translated—presumably—by the Jesuit Michael Boym and (...)
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    Los retos de la identidad: Jürgen Habermas y la memoria del "Guernica".Marta Rodríguez Fouz - 2004 - Madrid: Siglo Veintuno de España Editores.
    Este libro propone un recorrido por la obra de Jürgen Habermas desde la atención prioritaria hacia la articulación histórica y efectiva de las identidades. Así, la versión de Habermas como representante señero de la segunda generación de la Escuela de Frankfurt es analizada atendiendo, además de a su ambición epistemológica como ciencia social, a su comprensión de los escenarios de la praxis, allí, en definitiva, donde se dilucida la posible realización de los ideales identitarios. El contraste entre la crítica de (...)
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    The interface of science: the case for a broader definition of research management.Marta Agostinho, Catarina Moniz Alves, Sandra Aresta, Filipa Borrego, Júlio Borlido-Santos, João Cortez, Tatiana Lima Costa, José António Lopes, Susana Moreira, José Santos, Margarida Trindade, Carolina Varela & Sheila Vidal - 2020 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 24 (1):19-27.
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  8. How to Test the Ship of Theseus.Marta Campdelacreu, Ramón García-Moya, Genoveva Martí & Enrico Terrone - 2020 - Dialectica 74 (3).
    The story of the Ship of Theseus is one of the most venerable conundrums in philosophy. Some philosophers consider it a genuine puzzle. Others deny that it is so. It is, therefore, an open question whether there is or there is not a puzzle in the Ship of Theseus story. So, arguably, it makes sense to test empirically whether people perceive the case as a puzzle. Recently, David Rose, Edouard Machery, Stephen Stich and forty-two other researchers from different countries have (...)
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  9.  18
    Visualizing the Geography of the Diseases of China: Western Disease Maps from Analytical Tools to Tools of Empire, Sovereignty, and Public Health Propaganda, 1878–1929.Marta Hanson - 2017 - Science in Context 30 (3):219-280.
    ArgumentThis article analyzes for the first time the earliest western maps of diseases in China spanning fifty years from the late 1870s to the end of the 1920s. The 24 featured disease maps present a visual history of the major transformations in modern medicine from medical geography to laboratory medicine wrought on Chinese soil. These medical transformations occurred within new political formations from the Qing dynasty (1644–1911) to colonialism in East Asia (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Manchuria, Korea) and hypercolonialism within China (...)
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    Galileo and the Mountains of the Moon: Analogical Reasoning, Models and Metaphors in Scientific Discovery.Marta Spranzi - 2004 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 4 (3-4):451-483.
    This paper is about the use of analogical reasoning, models and metaphors in Galileo's discovery of the mountains of the moon, which he describes in the Starry Messenger, a short but groundbreaking treatise published in 1610. On the basis of the observations of the Moon he has made with the newly invented telescope, Galileo shows that the Moon has mountains and that therefore it shares the same solid, opaque and rugged nature of the Earth. I will first reconstruct Galileo's reasoning, (...)
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  11. Communicative patterns in apperception. Micro-expressions in the eco-linguistic model of communication: beyond linguistic egos and towards an agenda-free, inclusive relating.Marta Bogusławska-Tafelska, Michał Wyciński & Natalia Malenko - 2021 - In Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska (eds.), Intersubjective plateaus in language and communication. New York: Peter Lang.
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  12. Communicative patterns in apperception. Micro-expressions in the eco-linguistic model of communication: beyond linguistic egos and towards an agenda-free, inclusive relating.Marta Bogusławska-Tafelska, Michał Wyciński & Natalia Malenko - 2021 - In Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska (eds.), Intersubjective plateaus in language and communication. New York: Peter Lang.
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  13. Przygody gnozy według Erika Voegelina.Marta Zimniak-hałajko - 2003 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 46 (2):89-100.
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    Unlimited Associative Learning as a Null Hypothesis.Marta Halina - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):1186-1195.
    A common strategy in comparative cognition is to require that one reject associative learning as an explanation for behavior before concluding that an organism is capable of causal reasoning. In this paper, I argue that standard causal-reasoning tasks can be explained by a powerful form of associative learning: unlimited associative learning (UAL). The lesson, however, is not that researchers should conduct more studies to reject UAL, but that they should instead focus on 1) enriching the cognitive hypothesis space and 2) (...)
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    (1 other version)Mindreading Animals: The Debate over What Animals Know about Other Minds.Marta Halina - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology (2):1-5.
    (2013). Mindreading Animals: The Debate over What Animals Know about Other Minds. Philosophical Psychology. ???aop.label???. doi: 10.1080/09515089.2012.746630.
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    Octopuses as conscious exotica.Marta Halina - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 67:28-31.
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    Understanding mechanistic research: Carl F. Craver and Lindley Darden: In search of mechanisms—discoveries across the life sciences. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013, xxii+228pp, $25.00 PB.Marta Halina - 2015 - Metascience 24 (3):405-407.
    The professionalization of science is a recent phenomenon. Before the mid-1800s, investigations of the natural world were largely performed by those hobbyists who had the leisure time to do so. Things are very different today. Open one of the over twenty thousand scientific journals currently in circulation, and you would be hard pressed to decipher the technical prose, much less the methodological and conceptual strategies being employed. This is changing, however. People are not only taking greater interest in how science (...)
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  18. Costumbre y Derecho.Marta Hanna - 2005 - Sapientia 60 (218):431-449.
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    Eloge: Nathan Sivin (1931–2022).Marta Hanson, Michael Nylan & Hilary A. Smith - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):182-186.
  20. La doctrina de la equidad en Aristóteles.Marta Lila Hanna - 2001 - Sapientia 56 (210):379-396.
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    Needham's Heavenly Volumes and Earthly Tomes.Marta Hanson - 2007 - Early Science and Medicine 12 (4):405-432.
  22.  42
    Pulse Diagnosis in Early Chinese Medicine: The Telling Touch.Marta Hanson - 2012 - Early Science and Medicine 17 (3):351-353.
  23.  65
    The Golden Mirror in the Imperial Court of the Qianlong Emperor, 1739-1742.Marta Hanson - 2003 - Early Science and Medicine 8 (2):111-147.
    In the last month of 1739, the third of the Manchu rulers, the Qianlong emperor , ordered the compilation of a treatise on medicine "to rectify medical knowledge" throughout the empire. By the end of 1742, eighty participants chosen from several offices within the palace bureaucracy based in Beijing completed the Golden Mirror of the Orthodox Lineage of Medicine, the only imperially commissioned medical text the Qing government's Imperial Printing Office published. The Golden Mirror represents both the limitations in the (...)
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    Demenageries: thinking (of) animals after Derrida.Anne-Emmanuelle Berger & Marta Segarra (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Rodopi.
    Thoughtprints Anne E. Berger andMarta Segarra I admit to it in the name of autobiography and in order to confide in you the following: [...] I have a particularly animalist perception and interpretation of what I do, think, write, live, ...
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  25.  69
    The French Euthanasia Debate.Marta Spranzi - 2013 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 22 (3):254-262.
  26.  37
    Resource depletion does not influence prospective memory in college students.Jill Talley Shelton, Michael J. Cahill, Hillary G. Mullet, Michael K. Scullin, Gilles O. Einstein & Mark A. McDaniel - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1223-1230.
    This paper reports an experiment designed to investigate the potential influence of prior acts of self-control on subsequent prospective memory performance. College undergraduates performed either a cognitively depleting initial task or a less resource-consuming version of that task . Subsequently, participants completed a prospective memory task that required attentionally demanding monitoring processes. The results demonstrated that prior acts of self-control do not impair the ability to execute a future intention in college-aged adults. We conceptually replicated these results in three additional (...)
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  27.  31
    Anna Markwart, Bogactwo uczuć moralnych. Jednostka i społeczeństwo we wzajemnych oddziaływaniach w perspektywie filozofii Adama Smitha, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń 2017, ss. 400.Marta Łagosz - 2018 - Ruch Filozoficzny 73 (4):167.
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    (7 other versions)Colaboradores.Marta Alesso - 2020 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 24 (2):175-180.
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    Hermenéutica de los géneros literarios: de la antigüedad al cristianismo.Marta Alesso (ed.) - 2013 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
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  30. Leoncio de Neápolis. Vida de Espiridón.Marta Alesso - 2014 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 18 (2):191-195.
    En este trabajo ofrecemos la traducción del latín al español del Liber de convenientia fidei et intellectus in obiecto de Ramón Llull, con introducción y notas. Se trata de una obra en la que el filósofo mallorquín efectúa una síntesis de su pensamiento en torno de las relaciones entre fe y razón, así como de su posición respecto de la defensa de la fe católica y la conversión de los no cristianos. El opúsculo, que se muestra como un trabajo definitivo (...)
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  31. Los géneros literarios en el primer cristianismo.Marta Alesso - 2006 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 10:19-36.
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  32. Verbal Aspect in the Greek of New Testament.Marta Alesso - 2006 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 10:273-275.
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  33. El dolor en directo.Marta Allué - 2004 - Humanitas 2:69-79.
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    Gender and citizenship.Marta Postigo Asenjo - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 13.
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    Jednostka, państwo i prawo w filozofii Fryderyka Nietzschego: mała vs wielka polityka.Marta Baranowska - 2000 - Toruń: Wydawn. UMK.
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    Nietzsche o wolności jednostki, czyli o niespełnionych i spełnionych marzeniach.Marta Baranowska - 2016 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 64 (1):93-111.
    Przedmiotem artykułu są rozważania o wolności człowieka. Nietzsche przede wszystkim neguje koncepcje wolnej woli, która jest tak zakorzeniona w powszechnej świadomości. Uważa jednak, że możliwe jest zdobycie wolności, a raczej jej nieustanne zdobywanie. Człowiek wolny jest wojownikiem. Do tego zdolny jest tylko nadczłowiek jako doskonały byt, charakteryzujący się dużym natężeniem woli mocy, dzięki której jest zdolny do indywidualnej twórczości. Większość ludzi, która żąda wolności, traktuje ją jako zabezpieczenie przed silnymi jednostkami. W rzeczywistości bowiem kwestią podstawową jest silna, bądź słaba wola, (...)
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    Efecto comparativo de los parametros fisicoquimicos normales sobre el desarrollo embrionario de Mithrax spinosissimus en aguas panamenas del Caribe y del Pacifico.Chial Belgis & Arauz Marta - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Use of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Identify Material and Relevant CSR Performance Indicators.Marta de la Cuesta, Juan Diego Paredes & Eva Pardo - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:479-488.
    This study focuses on the application of multicriteria decision-making techniques, specifically the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to identify corporate socialresponsibility information which both companies and stakeholders consider relevant and material. This work explains how the AHP methodology was applied in the selection of material indicators in corporate social responsibility reporting, the interpretation of these indicators and their relative importance. The results of this study are summarized in 60 indicators distributed in four areas: environment, economy, corporate governance and social. As this (...)
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    Vivir y morir con dignidad: temas fundamentales de bioética en una sociedad plural.Ana Marta González, Elena Postigo Solana & Susana Aulestiarte Jiménez (eds.) - 2002 - Pamplona: Instituto de Ciencias para la Familia.
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    ‘Sociological Record’. Between a Total and Alternative Archive.Marta Maliszewska - 2019 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 54 (1).
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    Espressività: un dibattito contemporaneo.Matteo Ravasio & Marta Benenti - 2017 - Milan: Mimesis.
    Edited book containing Italian translations of essays from prominent contemporary English-speaking philosophers on the topics of expression and expressiveness.
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    Logic and Sets.Marta Vlasáková - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1.
    The notion of the extension of a concept has been used in logic for a long time. It is usually considered to be closely connected to the intuitive notion of a set and thus seems as though it should be embedded into set theory. However, there are significant differences between this “logical” concept of set and the notion of set (class) as defined via standard axiomatic systems of set theory; it may, therefore, be quite misleading to consider the two concepts (...)
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    The World and the Wild.David Rothenberg & Marta Ulvaeus - 2001 - University of Arizona Press.
    Can nature be restored to a pristine state through deliberate action? Must the preservation of wilderness always subordinate the interests of humans to those of other species? Can indigenous peoples be entrusted with the guardianship of their own wild resources? This collection of international writings tackles tough questions like these as it expands wilderness conservation beyond its American roots. One of the first anthologies to consider wilderness as a global issue, it takes a stand against the notion that wilderness is (...)
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  44. Ethical relationships in the teaching profession in Slovakia.Marta Gluchmanova - 2016 - Journal of Educational Sciences and Psychology 6 (2):1-20.
    Authors deal with theoretical and social contexts of the teaching profession as a starting point for empirical research into ethical relationships among Slovak primary and secondary school teachers. They surveyed the opinions of teachers at that level regarding their relationship with students, parents, colleagues and superiors. According to the research results, more than 80% of respondents positively rate the behaviour of teachers towards their students and parents from the viewpoint of realising ethical values, based on which they could be an (...)
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  45.  24
    Tutela e insurrección en los orígenes del derecho de resistencia.Marta García-Alonso - 2007 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 33 (1):5-23.
    Suele argumentarse que la contribución original de la Reforma a la teoría de la resistencia se basa en una exégesis del pasaje paulino de Romanos, según la cual sólo se debe obediencia a las autoridades que obran en favor del interés general. De ahí se derivaría una teoría constitucionalista de la resistencia protestante, que tendría en Calvino a uno de sus principales inspiradores. Sin embargo, en el derecho de resistencia calviniano la ciudadanía no es concebida como sujeto político en sentido (...)
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    L'amour: création et société.Marta Álvarez, Ida Hekmat & Sabine Lauret-Taft (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Michel Houdiard éditeur.
    Ce volume envisage l'amour en tant qu'objet polymorphe : Eros, Philia, Agapé, mais aussi Storgé. Les mots grecs rendent compte, du large spectre amoureux : amour romantique, amour sexuel, amour de soi, de l'autre, pour l'autre... des catégories qui placent les manifestations du sentiment amoureux dans un espace de contraintes et de possibilités qui relève du social et du discursif. Les travaux qui sont ici réunis s'attachent ainsi à interroger des genres artistiques et discursifs dans lesquels s'ancre l'amour, ils abordent (...)
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    The contours of Eurocentrism: race, history, and political texts.Marta Araújo - 2016 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. Edited by Silvia Rodríguez Maeso.
    This book proposes an approach to Eurocentrism as a paradigm of knowledge production and interpretation rooted in the Western narrative of modernity and its racial governmentalities. It contributes to the critique of the contemporary workings of Eurocentrism and racism that have frustrated the struggles for the decolonization of knowledge and continue to shape our understandings of the world order in racially hierarchical terms, by re-centering the West/Europe"--Provided by publisher.
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  48. Descripción Y Categorización De Errores Fónicos En Estudiantes De Español/L2. Validación De La Taxonomía De Errores AACFELE.Ana Blanco Canales & Marta Nogueroles López - 2013 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 23 (2):196-225.
    Within the field of didactics of second language teaching, it is believed that phonic errors cannot be completely corrected due to the significant influence of L1. However, improving the processes of acquisition of an L2 implies learning pronunciation properly. Given the importance of pronunciation for communication, it is necessary to deeply know the nature of phonic errors, which requires a specific classification aimed to describe, classify and categorize them. This article is intended to test the validity and efficiency of the (...)
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  49. The Transformation of Platonic eidos and Its Consequences Regarding the Theoretical Perspective of Kant's Critical Philosophy.Marta De La Vega - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 135.
  50. Las limitaciones de inversión en telecom:¿ fuente de innovación?/Investment Limitations in Telecom: A Source for Innovation?Julio Navío & Marta Solórzano - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (1):102-120.
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